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Camille & Company

Camille & Company Camille & Company


Lake Oconee
109 Harmony Rd # 6, Eatonton, GA 31024
Phone: (706) 485-8777

OUR DESIGNER: Camille is the brain behind our beauty. She finds inspiration everywhere – walking down the street, popular culture, even in art museums. Camille loves the thrill of creating that perfect piece that makes her clients feel fabulous.


The Camille & Company collection is fresh, street-chic and confident.  Lush textures, melt-in-your-mouth colors and warm metallics combine to create an advanced style for any woman. Whether you’re going for Nantucket Prep or Cozumel Bo-Ho, we’ve got you covered. Got a big event coming up? We can deliver all of this style straight to your door.


We know that putting together a wardrobe can be daunting. What should you keep? What should you give away? What should you throw straight into the trash? At Camille & Company we will be happy to help you evaluate your current wardrobe and suggest items that will “bring the zing” back to your personal style. Give us a call, any of our stylists will help you figure out exactly what you need.  404-525-6655


  • Embroidered Tunics: These versatile tops can take you seamlessly from work to play. Pair them with almost any kind of bottoms for a super feminine look.
  • Layered Knits: We make a variety of solid and pattered knits that work beautifully for layering so you can create your own unique style.
  • Jackie-O Linen: Created from our signature linen fabric, these classic styles are a must-have. Tops, bottoms and dresses are constructed with flattering silhouettes.




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