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EZ Dent

EZ Dent

EZ Dent

4015 Atlanta Hwy,
Athens, GA 30606
Call! (706) 995-6707

We are open from 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
“Getting your car worked on” is not anyone’s idea of fun. But we can make sure your appointment is time well-spent.
We have an airy, clean, comfortable seating area with fast Wifi, complimentary beverages, and restaurants within walking distance.

EZ Dent Customer Lounge

Additionally, we have partnerships with ride sharing services, and an accommodating, creative team to solve any scheduling needs.

But most importantly, we can promise effective, quality work and consistent communication.

Industry Certifications

We actively invest in training & education within our industry to provide you with cutting edge expertise & experience.

We are ARC Certified as Master Technician in Paintless Dent Repair and Hail Damage Repair.

And EZ Dent is Platinum Certified by I-CAR.


About Your Car & EZ Dent

So that’s enough just about us – let’s talk about your car and EZ Dent Repair.

Your car gets exposed to a lot – branches, hail, shopping carts…and humans driving other cars. Whether it’s an everyday work truck or a vintage hobby car for the weekends, you’re bound to get a dent. Something that harms the car’s body.

And there’s something about your car’s body that we understand. It’s what you can see. It’s what other people can see. It’s a huge part of your car’s value.

And when your car isn’t looking right, it’s a problem that you see every time you hop into the driver’s seat. It’s a problem with one of your largest investments.

EZ Dent’s specialty is solving that problem quickly, effectively and affordably. We make your car’s body beautiful again.

All without you dealing with the waiting, hassle, and huge cost of a full-service body shop or dealing with the delay and frustration of an insurance claim.

There’s no chemical fillers, bonding agents, or corrosives – the dent repair is carried out by a skilled technician working with specialized tools – all the better for your car and your wallet.

Imagine seeing your car the way it once was – sleek lines, smooth panels, and original design.

We can make that happen – while saving you time, money, and frustration.

Get your car looking good again today.

Get A Quote!

About EZ Dent Repair