Greensboro Tire Pros
1010 Town Creek Blvd
Greensboro, GA 30642
M-F: 7am – 5:00pm
Auto Repair and Tire Service in Greensboro, GA
We have been your hometown tire and automotive center for over 29 years. Wayne Usry opened Greensboro Tire with a handshake and a promise to provide the Greensboro area with quality service with the best value. Today, that promise still holds true. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff, quick and dependable service, and affordable prices have kept our customers coming back since 1981. We offer not only all your tire needs, but also maintenance services, mechanical diagnostics and repairs, and computer alignments.
At Greensboro Tire our philosophy is simple: we never promise more than we can deliver, and we always give the customer more than they expect. The people of Greensboro and the Lake Oconee area know customer service is not enough, and so do we. That is why we strive for customer loyalty every day. If you are in the area, stop by and see the latest we have to offer in tires and tire technology. With names like Michelin®, Bridgestone and Firestone in stock or just a phone call away, we know you’ll find what you need.
Greensboro Tire
1010 Town Creek Blvd
Greensboro, GA 30642
706-453-2454 OFFICE
706-453-9122 FAX