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The maximum number of visits was – 2022-06-02:
all visitors – 14142:
users – 1
guests – 14072
bots – 69

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Lights Of Oconee

Lights Of Oconee Lights Of Oconee Lights Of Oconee



We are a family owned business since 2004 and have since the beginning treated our customers like family. Our customer focus is about making sure your shopping experience is an outstanding one. Lights of Oconee’s selections of creative, innovative and unique lighting, plumbing décor and door & cabinet hardware are part of what you will find that make us different.

We pride ourselves with offering professional and friendly advice to our customers from the beginning of the sale to the completion. We’re dedicated to making sure that your home reflects you and your lifestyle. Let us impress you with our customer service. Whether you are a builder, decorator, or simply purchasing one or two items, we are dedicated to making your shopping experience exceptional. Whether you are from the Lake Oconee area, Madison, Athens, or Milledgeville, you will not be disappointed by visiting our showroom. We are conveniently located in the Village at Harmony Crossing one mile from Lake Oconee.