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Joe's Roofing

Joe's Roofing

Joe’s Roofing

(706) 473-0026

Operating Hours

Monday – Friday 8-5p


Founded by Joseph Vargas in 1999, Joe’s Roofing is a certified, licensed, insured, and award-winning family-owned business, as well as a member of the Better Business Bureau. With Joe’s Roofing, customers in Eatonton, Greensboro, Lake Oconee, Madison, and Milledgeville can be confident of getting the best quality service at a reasonable price.

Whether someone needs roof repair or replacement, built-up, metal and wood shakes, lead repairs, or modified bitumen, Joe’s Roofing has the expertise to make any customer happy. They won the Best of Eatonton Award for best Roofing Contractors two years in a row, receiving a plaque from the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) honoring the achievement. The USCA awards companies that enhance the good image of small businesses through excellent service provided to both customers and the community.

Offering satisfaction guaranteed, Joe’s Roofing is ready to solve anyone’s roofing problems, large or small, with first-rate service and quality, long-lasting results.